We’ll explore the interconnected factors influencing positive or negative outcomes, such as access to comprehensive sexual health information, the right to make informed choices, and community support after an experience of harm. You’ll get a preview of my sexual health education model, set to be published in 2025. This model identifies distinct influences on behavior across five contexts. You'll be able to determine the most effective approach for you to meet individual needs.
Together, we’ll discuss strategies to address personal characteristics, compound factors, health perspectives, and essential skills that support healthy sexual development. You’ll also gain insights into creating identity-based discussion groups, programs, and curricula that can be implemented in your school community. Finally, we’ll work through addressing your concerns, ensuring your community is prepared, and developing a sustainable plan for meaningful change.
Consultant, Carwyn Collaboration LLC
Sam believes sharing our narratives promotes authenticity, dispels myths, and rejects shame. She has prioritized youth, families, reproductive justice, and supporting survivors of violence. She is dedicated to providing sexual health education to those typically excluded. She’s...
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Saturday November 23, 2024 12:50pm - 1:50pm EST
Room 200
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